Saturday, June 10, 2006

Hurricane Tropical Sector Links

The Texas Gulf coastal skies got that funny color this week. I can't explain what it is exactly, but a light haze comes over the sky about a week before a storm enters the Gulf of Mexico. If you are familiar with the Gulf Coast, then you know what I am talking about. The very air seems to hang off of you. A steamy, heavy, quietness happens.

As the first named storm of the year, Alberto, churns up the Gulf, at this time, aimed at the Florida Gulf Coast, all I can say is " Aargh & Good luck, maties! Batten down the hatches ! She's gonna' blow ! "

NOAA Gulf Satellite Imagery Loop

Intellicast Caribbean Satellite Loop

Detailed Hurricane Information, and Important Links, Interactive Maps

Cooincidence ? There have been 5 earthquakes in the Caribbean/& Columbia , 9th & 10th of June, just east & north of the 'shoot' in the Gulf. While small eq's are common, but not frequent, and large eq's happen there occasionally, it is very unusual to see a cluster of quakes like this.
This cluster of quakes ring the area where the asteroid hit that created so many fault lines, caused upheavals on the planet, and made a huge crater between Cuba and the Yucatan peninsula.
We call this area the 'Shoot'. This is where many hurricanes become organized, before entering the Gulf, almost like an incubator, as the 'shoot' seems to hold them there.
Hurricanes that come through the 'shoot' from the Atlantic often become huge, catastrophic storms.

Cooincidence ? Wednesday night, and Friday night, while this area of storms in the Gulf became organized in the area the asteroid hit, pieces of the 73P Comet were pinging through our atmosphere at a rate of more than 500 hits an hour, mostly burning up in our atmosphere.

Could it be that the comet, the earthquakes in the Caribbean, and Columbia, and the storm, and the deep crater caused by an asteroid, have some kind of electro-magnetic syncronicity ?

* Migraineurs * I only experienced mild twinges with the Caribbean quakes. The Columbia quake caused a bit of ear ringing, and back tooth pain on the left side, mild migraine. It subsided some with the quake, but it's back.
Expect more activity near north-western South America, as well as the southern Pacific. This activity is likely to occur in the next 12 to 24 hours.

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