People, this is important. GW Bush has declared himself the Dictator of the US. Didn't you see it coming ? Weren't you listening as he signed executive order after executive order decimating our Bill of Rights, and calling our Constitution a g.d. piece of paper?
Did you know that at least since 1973 they have been planning the take over of this nation, and the world ? How do I know ? I was told.
I was told that they were planning a Pearl Harbor like event to take power. I thought it was a joke. I couldn't believe anyone would be so cold, so lacking in conscience, so meglamaniacal, and so stupid as to destroy all this country stood for. They don't care if they destroy you, your families, your friends, your jobs, your finances, or the country's future, just so they can prosper using war and fear, chemtrails and HAARP beams, to keep you passive. To keep you from getting off your asses and demonstrating en masse against this dictatorial ignorant administration.
Are you paying attention to what is happening to the rights and freedoms your ancestors died for ? Do you give a damn ?
If you do, then listen to all of Keith Olberman's videos. All of them !
Then, do what is right for yourselves, and your children, and their children.
Grow a pair, all of you ! Demand that your congressional reps and your Senators IMPEACH GW Bush and Dick Cheney NOW ! WE can't take two more years of these idiots and war mongers bleeding this country and it's resources, and transfusing it straight into their foreign bank accounts.
Enough with the foot dragging. Enough with putting future elections ahead of the immediate danger posed by Bush and Cheney. They are the greatest danger this country has faced in almost 400 years.
Demand that the networks give you real news, even if the Bush cronies pull the plug. At least we will know why they pulled the plug on the network news. They can't stand the light of the truth !
WAKE UP AMERICA ! Throw the Bush Cheney dictatorship out in the street, and let the justice system clean up with them !
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