There is so much going on that each issue is like a piece of the whole puzzle, each has priority. I can hardly believe that a small group of crooks could steal two elections, ignore the Constitional rights of the people, ignore the needs of the people, destroy the financial system, attack their own country, have been documented nearly a thousand times lying to bring us into a war, & hidden a trust worth trillions of dollars that belongs to the American people. Yes, that's right ! I said TRILLIONS !
By the way, where is the WANTA trust held for the American people ? The administration has been playing games, moving it around, keeping it off the books for quite some time now. So, they are intent on crashing the system. There is no other conclusion. Google Leo Wanta for details.
The Federal Reserve Bank is illegal, unconstitutional, and corrupt.
All the while, the oil men who stole 2 elections have managed to pocket some hefty oil profits, watching their product go from $10 to $100 per barrel.
9/11 evidence mounts, mountains of it, that makes it undeniable that Bush/Cheney, and PNAC are responsible. All part of the plan.
These people should have taken into custody when they stole the first election.
All of the corruption in this adminstration makes Nixon and Watergate look like a walk in the park. Yet with a majority of the country calling for real action, Impeachment, our goverment pretends they don't hear and don't see.
We know they don't listen.
They want all of us chipped & documented supposedly to control illegal immigration, and terrorsm.
Yeh, right ! All the while they plan to ram a major highway called the NAFTA highway right through the border, and heartland, allowing easy passage for who? Illegal aliens !
So, let me get this straight. Remember the Alamo ? War with Spain ? Back when Texas was a nation ?
Now, Bush plans to take Texans' land, won in blood, build a highway for Mexico to flood our country, and get this ! The contract was awarded to a Spanish company.
Am I missing something here ?
The people in this country see this for what it is. We don't want this highway splitting our country in pieces, giving easy access to illegals & those who would do us harm.
It seems a lot of things are going on behind our backs. Wake up people! The Constitution demands that if our government no longer serves the people, then the people are obligated to stand up and remove that government.
If our congress and senate no longer function within the framework of our Constitution, and no longer heed the will of the people, they must be removed.
Here are links to topics and videos that are of importance. Some may be revisited, but do refresh yourelf anyway. It's all coming to a head. Get ready !
Bush and White House issued 935 false statements after 9/11 to get US in war
Shanksville Mind Control Hoax !!
9/11 Amateurish Network Fakery , #1 , #2 , #3
More 9/11 Links
Kucinich Filing Impeachment Monday
Jim Cramer calls for Fed to be investigated, Video
Stock Market and Monetary System on the verge of collapse
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