Abolish Central Banks
by Richard W. Rahn
Richard W. Rahn is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and chairman of the Institute for Global Economic Growth.
Added to cato.org on October 25, 2011
This article appeared in The Washington Times on October 25, 2011.
"Should the Federal Reserve be abolished as Rep. Ron Paul and others have demanded? The Republican presidential candidates have agreed that they would like to replace Ben S. Bernanke as chairman of the Fed, and many have been equally critical of former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan. The view that both Mr. Bernanke and Mr. Greenspan have done poor jobs is also shared by many economists and financial writers. But, if not Mr. Bernanke, who? And if not the Fed, what? "........................cont. at link
No surprise with the next one. Poor, poor oil companies. While the rest of us struggle to buy gasoline, the oil companies' profits keep going up with the price at the pump. I call that gouging. Gouging is illegal.
What would the oil companies do without the subsidies from our government? What would they do without bought off candidates and high dollar lobbyists writing regulations for them?
What would they do if Ron Paul stripped them of their subsidies, voided their lobbyists' regulations, and made them compete with lower priced products? Free markets. LOL Texas Uncensored
"LONDON/HOUSTON — Oil giants Exxon Mobil Corp
cont. at link, http://xfinity.comcast.net/articles/finance/20111027/BUSINESS-US-EXXONMOBIL/
Righthaven ordered to pay nearly $120,000 in attorney fees, court costs
A Tightly Knit Network of Companies Runs the World Economy, Says Network Analysis
Many of the OWS supporters around the world are common sense people who know that the Federal Reserve Bank, Goldman Sachs and their minions like BOA & JPM, along with world central banks are directly responsible for the world economic collapse that we are still in the middle of. The middle of, if we are lucky. This large majority is well aware that all but one candidate running for office is bought and paid for, by the same financial criminals who caused the collapse and who have taken over our government. Many of these who know the cause of the crisis support Ron Paul, who also has taken on the thugs at the FED.
But, there is an element, a small element of the OWS protests that are not there protesting against the real perps. They shun the mention of protesting the root, the head of the snake, the Federal Reserve Bank, or Goldman Sachs. They are not in front of Congress or the White House protesting a corrupt government at all levels that took part in the destruction of the economy, voting for dollars instead of the Constitution and the people. This small ignorant group of college students mostly, who should be refunded their money if t his is an example of their education, are so clueless about what and who caused this that they shun anyone who would tell them the truth. They don't want the truth. They want what you earn, what I earn, what the shop owner down the street earns, what the successful enterpreneur down the block built and earned. They are misguided, close minded, and inadequately educated. They are singing Soros' tune. That is dangerous to all of
us. For that reason, I don't advocate that majority step back, those who know the FED and the goverernment are the problem. In fact, I hope they continue to step up, speak out, and educate. To that majority, you have to hang in, and don't let this small group of marxists, or communists, Soros' paid infiltrators, win. You, the majority have to take control by getting the truth to the misguided. The article following is about the misguided. The article is skewed to blaming the majority, which is wrong. But it describes well the small minority trying to hijack the movement, and they want your money. Texas Uncensored
The Robin Hood Tax Occupy Movement now Marching Straight Off the Globalist Cliff http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=27322
Peter Schiff nails Wall Street Protesters

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