Peter Schiff schooled some and discussed with others in the crowd the real root of the economic problems in this country, and the world. He defined what capitalism is, compared to the chronie capitalism and lobbyists' regulations of our system now. And let's not forget the counterfeiting going on at the FED that is devaluing our currency, and heaping more debt on our backs to fund more of their schemes, scams, and wars we don't want, wars forced on us just like they are forced on countries who did not attack us, fought through use of our military, at the risk of the lives of our young people, and financed on our backs without our permission, and usually without our knowledge until after the fact.
What the hell is going on here? This isn't what any thinking reasonable person would want. This isn't what we voted for. This isn't what we agreed to at all. But it is a direct attack on our Constitutional protections, and an attack on our national security through destruction of our monetary system.
I've had enough. We've all had enough.
But the OWS includes small groups of people whose ideals are not of liberty, smaller government, fewer or no taxes, or even the Constitution. Some are paid to spout illogical nonsense about bigger government, more social controls, more government controls to take from one segment and give to another. They do not understand that we have had chronie capitalism, not free market capitalism for a long time. Some seem to not understand the core issues at all. The media has focused on them, the minority, attempting to give the wrong impression about the 99% of the protesters to the public via the MSM.
These videos will show you who the majority are. Some are knowledgeable, others have part of it right, but needed more good information, and a few didn't understand how the economy works and so were in denial that Peter Schiff is correct.
There seemed to be many Ron Paul supporters there, trying to educate anyone willing to listen about the FED, and how it has facilitated the addiction to greed and power of Wall Street, the banksters, and the bought off government, and their endless wars to justify the ever larger government, with it's ever increasing encroachments on our liberties, more with every day, in efforts to slowly subdue our ability to recognize their utter vileness. They are trying to correct the misinformation. They are also explaining that it isn't the 99% against the 1%. It is one root entity that is holding us hostage through unpayable mounting debt, and endless wars.
Good luck to them. Spread the message. Only one man can cure what ails this nation. Ron Paul 2012
Part 1
Peter Schiff Live at Occupy Wall St #2
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