EXCELLENT Article * Link at bottom of my post *
This, or a similar plan needs to be in place. This is how most campaigns ran before the special interests, corporations, and military industrial complex bought the government. This is how Ron Paul's campaign runs now, and always has. There is one candidate with this kind of integrity, RON PAUL.
When the Supreme Court ruled that corporations were people (Romney's claim, too - check out who donates to him-a bankster tool) who could donate as much money as they wanted to capaigns, it was in effect, a coup. This Bush 1 & 2 appointed court majority handed the people's right to choose and vote freely to the corporations, and the shadow government that took over on 911. These are the same cororations & people who brought to you the financial crash of 2007/2008. How cozy.
The practice of allowing corporations and special interests of any kind to influence our elections by corrupting the Supreme Court, financing their chosen puppet candidates, giving their candidates more money in one check than thousands of American citizens could together, this practice has to stop.
There is one candidate who has always financed his campaigns with contributions from citizens and active military, not corporations. One candidate has always engendered the kind of citizen support that will, on their own, do volunteer work to spread the message of freedom and liberty, fairness, and adherence to the Constitution. This one candidate is now running for President of the United States. That One Candidate is RON PAUL.
I urge you to learn about Ron Paul.
Make sure you are registered to vote in the Republican Primary in your state. YOu can do that online in a couple of minutes, at the first link. Find out if you need to register Republican or if your state is an open primary state.
Then, on primary day, just do it. Vote for Ron Paul 2012.
Have a Register To Vote Party. Have registration cards for the guests, Ron Paul campaign gear like bumper stickers & pins, and plan to meet on primary day to go vote for Ron Paul together.
Use you email lists, facebooks, and twitters to make sure everyone is reminded before, and on primary day to vote. Link up people near other who might need rides to get to polling place. Don't let sleet, snow, rain, or cold get in your way. Have your snow boots at the ready, and your dingy if it floods. Just get there. No excuses. Smile all the way there, and all the way home.
Demand to Get the Money Out of Politics: A "One Demand" for Occupy Wall Street? - coupmedia.org
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