The RON PAUL Veteran's Day MONEY BOMB is Happening NOW!

A SOLDIER's Letter To His Family About RON PAUL
My Letter to Family on Veteran's Day - End This War! | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty
This week after Ron Paul won the O'Reilly Townhall Debate by a landslide, O'Reilly pulled the poll and falsely accused the Ron Paul supporters who voted.
Then, 2 days later, when Ron Paul WON the CNBC Debate Poll by a landslide, CNBC accused the thousands of Ron Paul supporters who voted of gaming the poll. It was a unique vote poll - only one vote per person. CNBC LIED !
Here it is, the accusation, and 16 pages of outrage that followed.
Today, CBS released another rigged phone poll. While Ron Paul continues to win Straw Polls by overwhelming votes with the largest total votes in all straw polls combined, has won every debate poll, wins online polls by landslides, has more than 30 MILLION You Tube hits, has more contributing supporters than all of the other candidates combined and Twice As Much in Donations as all of the other candidates combined including Obama, making RON PAUL The REAL FRONT RUNNER, the msm continues to rig landline phone polls showing opposite results.
The msm is at WAR with WE THE PEOPLE and the majority of the Military. They are feeding the sheople lies attempting to steal this election. DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT THIS TIME! Fight ! FIGHT BACK !
DONATE ! Double Down folks. If you usually give $10, make it $20.12 this time. Or More! Double Down!
Buy Ron Paul gear too! It counts towards donations.
Let's kick the media's asses. If you suppport the troops, support them by Donating Today to RON PAUL !

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