This is just the beginning of the backlash against the FED, the chrony capitalism, the corporate kleptocracy, the corporations who own candidates, and the candidates they own. One woman in this video echos Ron Paul's policies. 65% of the American people want a full audit of the FED - Ron Paul is the only candidate who has pulled a partial audit of the FED, and found $16 Trillion in secret loans to their buddies and foreign banks. ONE MAN HAS STOOD UP TO THEM. RON PAUL
If the media does not start giving Ron Paul, the people's and activie military's candidate good coverage, equal coverage, the media will find itself at the mercy of the same backlash. They are ignoring millions of people, maybe a hundred million or more people, who can only support Ron Paul. They ignore our emails, phone calls, letters, links to Ron Paul videos and appearances. The media ignore the hundreds of unique vote online polls that show Ron Paul winning by landslide numbers.
Fox and CNN have gotten better. But the big old networks not on cable are perpetrating a hoax on the American people, and the military personnel. They pick a candidate of the month, neglect to vet them. Or maybe they do vet them, know in advance they will fall, and run it like a month long series. Intent? Intent is to ignore Ron Paul's campaign and his supporters by propping up the other owned candidates until the primaries.
I hope the backlash against the media happens now or sooner. These phony land line phone polls, these few thousand people, can not be allowed to pick a frontrunner. If the media chooses this kind of skewed coverage without offering the online poll results, you must know it is deliberate obfuscation of the facts.
FIGHT BACK ! Hammer your local media. Hammer the old noncable networks. Be nice, be factual, and hammer them everyday if that's what it takes. We have to win this one. Make sure you are registered properly to vote in the Republican Primary in your state. Google register to vote in your state, and for your state's primary voting requirements. You know in your hearts what is going on. You know in your hearts and minds, and souls, that Ron Paul is a man of integrity, knowledge, experience, and common sense. You know he is a man of his word. You know he walks the walk.
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