Friday, September 21, 2007

5 US Grandmothers Were Arrested for Reading the Constitution

Must see video ! Add to this, Saturday, over 150 mostly middle aged citizens were arrested for protesting the war ! WE, the pissed off Baby boomers ride for truth, justice, and the Constitution again, because our government doesn't.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Tropical Storm Humberto is on the Texas Gulf Coast and moving inland, increasing in strength possibly to hurricane strength. Take precautions. Links to supply lists at FUTUREQUAKE. Click on the weather links.

Galveston Beach Cams

Houston KHOU TV for updates

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Countdown Special Comment: You have no remaining credibility

Monday's Bush spectacle in Iraq was a bold face farce and lie at the expense of the US military, and it's citizens.
When is the will of the people going to be enforced by our Congress and Senate ? Do these people have their thumbs stuck up their asses ?Are their brains on hold ? Are they merely brainwashed ? Whatever, it is time, long past time, for action.
While we demand, and wait for action, Bush & Cheney are stealing money from the US citizens and economy that we don't have to kill our young men and women so that Bush and Cheney can play a game.
Before Bush/Cheney and the evil cabal strike our US citizens again, CONGRESS/ SENATE > STOP THIS EVIL REGIME NOW ! The enemies are in the WHITE HOUSE ! Must we give you directions ?