Monday, October 31, 2011
"OH MY GOD! Ron Paul Is Making Sense!"
Get 'em while they're hot. Ron Paul Updates at
Videos, articles, podcasts

Get 'em while they're hot. Ron Paul Updates at
Videos, articles, podcasts
Sunday, October 30, 2011
10.20.2011 - Dylan Rattigan Releases the Banking Secrets LIVE!
MUST SEE. So many crooks in Washington. The hearings that are sure to come will be the best reality show in town.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
NEWS OF THE DAY, Headlines Picked Just For You
From the CATO Institute
Abolish Central Banks
by Richard W. Rahn
Richard W. Rahn is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and chairman of the Institute for Global Economic Growth.
Added to on October 25, 2011
This article appeared in The Washington Times on October 25, 2011.
"Should the Federal Reserve be abolished as Rep. Ron Paul and others have demanded? The Republican presidential candidates have agreed that they would like to replace Ben S. Bernanke as chairman of the Fed, and many have been equally critical of former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan. The view that both Mr. Bernanke and Mr. Greenspan have done poor jobs is also shared by many economists and financial writers. But, if not Mr. Bernanke, who? And if not the Fed, what? "........................cont. at link

No surprise with the next one. Poor, poor oil companies. While the rest of us struggle to buy gasoline, the oil companies' profits keep going up with the price at the pump. I call that gouging. Gouging is illegal.
What would the oil companies do without the subsidies from our government? What would they do without bought off candidates and high dollar lobbyists writing regulations for them?
What would they do if Ron Paul stripped them of their subsidies, voided their lobbyists' regulations, and made them compete with lower priced products? Free markets. LOL Texas Uncensored
"LONDON/HOUSTON — Oil giants Exxon Mobil Corp and Royal Dutch Shell Plc said their profits jumped more than 40 percent in the third quarter as higher energy prices offset declines in their output."
cont. at link,

Righthaven ordered to pay nearly $120,000 in attorney fees, court costs

A Tightly Knit Network of Companies Runs the World Economy, Says Network Analysis
Many of the OWS supporters around the world are common sense people who know that the Federal Reserve Bank, Goldman Sachs and their minions like BOA & JPM, along with world central banks are directly responsible for the world economic collapse that we are still in the middle of. The middle of, if we are lucky. This large majority is well aware that all but one candidate running for office is bought and paid for, by the same financial criminals who caused the collapse and who have taken over our government. Many of these who know the cause of the crisis support Ron Paul, who also has taken on the thugs at the FED.
But, there is an element, a small element of the OWS protests that are not there protesting against the real perps. They shun the mention of protesting the root, the head of the snake, the Federal Reserve Bank, or Goldman Sachs. They are not in front of Congress or the White House protesting a corrupt government at all levels that took part in the destruction of the economy, voting for dollars instead of the Constitution and the people. This small ignorant group of college students mostly, who should be refunded their money if t his is an example of their education, are so clueless about what and who caused this that they shun anyone who would tell them the truth. They don't want the truth. They want what you earn, what I earn, what the shop owner down the street earns, what the successful enterpreneur down the block built and earned. They are misguided, close minded, and inadequately educated. They are singing Soros' tune. That is dangerous to all of
us. For that reason, I don't advocate that majority step back, those who know the FED and the goverernment are the problem. In fact, I hope they continue to step up, speak out, and educate. To that majority, you have to hang in, and don't let this small group of marxists, or communists, Soros' paid infiltrators, win. You, the majority have to take control by getting the truth to the misguided. The article following is about the misguided. The article is skewed to blaming the majority, which is wrong. But it describes well the small minority trying to hijack the movement, and they want your money. Texas Uncensored
The Robin Hood Tax Occupy Movement now Marching Straight Off the Globalist Cliff
Peter Schiff nails Wall Street Protesters
Abolish Central Banks
by Richard W. Rahn
Richard W. Rahn is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and chairman of the Institute for Global Economic Growth.
Added to on October 25, 2011
This article appeared in The Washington Times on October 25, 2011.
"Should the Federal Reserve be abolished as Rep. Ron Paul and others have demanded? The Republican presidential candidates have agreed that they would like to replace Ben S. Bernanke as chairman of the Fed, and many have been equally critical of former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan. The view that both Mr. Bernanke and Mr. Greenspan have done poor jobs is also shared by many economists and financial writers. But, if not Mr. Bernanke, who? And if not the Fed, what? "........................cont. at link
No surprise with the next one. Poor, poor oil companies. While the rest of us struggle to buy gasoline, the oil companies' profits keep going up with the price at the pump. I call that gouging. Gouging is illegal.
What would the oil companies do without the subsidies from our government? What would they do without bought off candidates and high dollar lobbyists writing regulations for them?
What would they do if Ron Paul stripped them of their subsidies, voided their lobbyists' regulations, and made them compete with lower priced products? Free markets. LOL Texas Uncensored
"LONDON/HOUSTON — Oil giants Exxon Mobil Corp
cont. at link,
Righthaven ordered to pay nearly $120,000 in attorney fees, court costs
A Tightly Knit Network of Companies Runs the World Economy, Says Network Analysis
Many of the OWS supporters around the world are common sense people who know that the Federal Reserve Bank, Goldman Sachs and their minions like BOA & JPM, along with world central banks are directly responsible for the world economic collapse that we are still in the middle of. The middle of, if we are lucky. This large majority is well aware that all but one candidate running for office is bought and paid for, by the same financial criminals who caused the collapse and who have taken over our government. Many of these who know the cause of the crisis support Ron Paul, who also has taken on the thugs at the FED.
But, there is an element, a small element of the OWS protests that are not there protesting against the real perps. They shun the mention of protesting the root, the head of the snake, the Federal Reserve Bank, or Goldman Sachs. They are not in front of Congress or the White House protesting a corrupt government at all levels that took part in the destruction of the economy, voting for dollars instead of the Constitution and the people. This small ignorant group of college students mostly, who should be refunded their money if t his is an example of their education, are so clueless about what and who caused this that they shun anyone who would tell them the truth. They don't want the truth. They want what you earn, what I earn, what the shop owner down the street earns, what the successful enterpreneur down the block built and earned. They are misguided, close minded, and inadequately educated. They are singing Soros' tune. That is dangerous to all of
us. For that reason, I don't advocate that majority step back, those who know the FED and the goverernment are the problem. In fact, I hope they continue to step up, speak out, and educate. To that majority, you have to hang in, and don't let this small group of marxists, or communists, Soros' paid infiltrators, win. You, the majority have to take control by getting the truth to the misguided. The article following is about the misguided. The article is skewed to blaming the majority, which is wrong. But it describes well the small minority trying to hijack the movement, and they want your money. Texas Uncensored
The Robin Hood Tax Occupy Movement now Marching Straight Off the Globalist Cliff
Peter Schiff nails Wall Street Protesters

RON PAUL on DERIVATIVES 1 & 2 Looming Economic Collapse -mirror
Dylan Ratigan, with David Degraw & William Black
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Media Caught Lying
This Time We Know
Ron Paul for President 2012 Oh Boy, Bernie Sanders Forms Team to Advise Him on... Oh Boy, Bernie Sanders Forms Team to Advise Him on...: The self described democratic-socialist Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, has announced he has formed a panel of experts to advice him ...
This merry bunch of financial thugs is supposed to come up with some more bright ideas? Really? LOL
This merry bunch of financial thugs is supposed to come up with some more bright ideas? Really? LOL
RON PAUL with Bret Bair Special Report
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Today's News, Ron Paul, Politics, Articles

Cavuto Ron Paul Brings In Almost 3 Million Dollars In Money Bomb ! - YouTube
Ron Paul On Hannity 10-24-2011 - YouTube
EXCLUSIVE-Ron Paul Cain & Perry's Plans Won't Stop Insolvency Public Transcripts, MP3's of the show available for download or onsite listening
MP3's of the show available for download or onsite listening
NPR, Before He Delivered For Voters, Paul Delivered Babies
Courtesy of WND, Ron Paul says unemployment is 20% – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
EXCLUSIVE-Ron Paul Cain & Perry's Plans Won't Stop Insolvency*Public Transcripts, MP3's of the show available for download or onsite listening
Presidential candidate, Gary Johnson, says electoral process hijacked. Mark Wachtler Independent Examiner October 25, 2011

Judge Napolitano's Freedom Watch What If - YouTube

Friday Ramblings I’m not the same conservative I was five years ago SENTRY JOURNAL
Alex Jones * Congressman Secret Report On TSA Pat Downs, Body Scanner Failures Will “Knock Your Socks Off”
ESR October 24, 2011 Imperial Republics Fall

BBC NEWS Is the US Declaration of Independence illegal *Ron Paul 2012,Sound Money, Peace, and Liberty

Neil Cavuto of Fox Interviews Ron Paul
Sarah Palin Endorses Ron Paul's Foreign Policy
Palin endorses Ron Paul's position on international militarism
Read more:
RON PAUL WINS @ The Ohio Faith & Freedom Straw Poll Conference

It began with a great endorsement speech given by Matt Ferris.
Then, Ron Paul spoke to the Ohio Faith and Freedom gathering before the Straw Poll Vote. This is such a good speech that we watched it 3 times. LOL
And then, Ron Paul Won with 53.50% of the vote!
Ohio GOP Straw Poll Gives Ron Paul A Majority
Here are the numbers.
The Media Black Out of Ron Paul Has Been Proven

The media, the MSM, desperate to push their corporate owners corporately owned candidate tools down our throats, is being documented. It has been proven.
It is as if the media is at war with the American people. They are using the airwaves we own to censor news about Ron Paul. They are so desperate that they do it right in front of us at the debates, cutting Ron Paul's speaking time down whenever they can.
He is the smartest, most experienced candidate on the stage and in the race, and he has abundant integrity. He has what all of the others lack. He is genuine, a true patriot.
Lawmaker cites media 'arrogance' for lack of coverage of Ron
Paul campaign
Are the Media Ignoring Ron Paul Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ)
Pew Research Center Proves A Non Partisan Ron Paul Media Blackout
Study Confirms Ron Paul Blacked Out by Media
Stats on CNN Anderson Cooper Debate 10-18-11
FOX Debate 9/22 Individual Speaking Time * Media bias again
MSNBC/Politico 9-7-2011 Debate: Statistics on Talking Time & The Perry Romney Show

Guess What GOP Candidates Have Violated Election Laws?
Cain super-PAC might violate election law - Washington Times
It sounds like outright theft to me.
Guess who else? LOL
Mitt and Rick’s Secret Donor Deal
Updated info on this story, Perry aides told different stories in lawsuit
Liars, panderers, owned by the corporations, or tied to the illegal and corrupt FED.
And this illegal election activity is just the tip of the iceberg. American has had enough of these plastic, corrupt politicians and Fed Chairman. Not worthy of the White House, and not worthy of the American people.
On top of the lack of integrity and honesty, they do not have the knowledge or experience to run this country in these critical, and crisis times.
It sounds like outright theft to me.
Guess who else? LOL
Mitt and Rick’s Secret Donor Deal
Updated info on this story, Perry aides told different stories in lawsuit
Liars, panderers, owned by the corporations, or tied to the illegal and corrupt FED.
And this illegal election activity is just the tip of the iceberg. American has had enough of these plastic, corrupt politicians and Fed Chairman. Not worthy of the White House, and not worthy of the American people.
On top of the lack of integrity and honesty, they do not have the knowledge or experience to run this country in these critical, and crisis times.
Freedom of speech, current events, politics, conspiracy theories, ufo's, phenomena, and good discussions. Have you wondered where all of those great posters from GLP went after the purges and mass bans? Here they are.
Is Obama Trying to Destroy Our Economy
Obama now accused of destroying U.S. economy ... on purpose!President, Dems accused of deliberately overloading country's financial system
Read more: Obama now accused of destroying U.S. economy ... on purpose!
And MORE! You know if he were trying to save or fix the economy, he would be doing the opposite. Come on, you know it. You see it too.
What Would Obama Do Differently If He Planned To Destroy The World We Knew? Posted on October 24, 2011 by horse237
Why is Obama Destroying Americans’ Freedom?
Read more: Obama now accused of destroying U.S. economy ... on purpose!
And MORE! You know if he were trying to save or fix the economy, he would be doing the opposite. Come on, you know it. You see it too.
What Would Obama Do Differently If He Planned To Destroy The World We Knew? Posted on October 24, 2011 by horse237
Why is Obama Destroying Americans’ Freedom?
Mt. Aetna Blows Again
Article @
This eruption occured 10/24/11. Volcanos can cause physical symptoms in those of us who are sensitive. Symptoms of nausea, bloating and sudden stomach upset, migraines which usually include facial pain. High frequency noises may became unbearable before the eruption, much as they do prior to major earthquakes.
This eruption occured 10/24/11. Volcanos can cause physical symptoms in those of us who are sensitive. Symptoms of nausea, bloating and sudden stomach upset, migraines which usually include facial pain. High frequency noises may became unbearable before the eruption, much as they do prior to major earthquakes.
Major EQ in Turkey, 7.3, 1000's Feared Killed

Article Link
PHOTOS @ National Geographic
If you had a migraine prior to and during the weekend, this activity may have been the culprit. Read about it at .
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Ohio Swing State Straw Poll Results - RON PAUL WINS WITH 53.5%!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Peter Schiff Schools The Crowd @ Occupy The Fed 10/20/11
Peter Schiff schooled some and discussed with others in the crowd the real root of the economic problems in this country, and the world. He defined what capitalism is, compared to the chronie capitalism and lobbyists' regulations of our system now. And let's not forget the counterfeiting going on at the FED that is devaluing our currency, and heaping more debt on our backs to fund more of their schemes, scams, and wars we don't want, wars forced on us just like they are forced on countries who did not attack us, fought through use of our military, at the risk of the lives of our young people, and financed on our backs without our permission, and usually without our knowledge until after the fact.
What the hell is going on here? This isn't what any thinking reasonable person would want. This isn't what we voted for. This isn't what we agreed to at all. But it is a direct attack on our Constitutional protections, and an attack on our national security through destruction of our monetary system.
I've had enough. We've all had enough.
But the OWS includes small groups of people whose ideals are not of liberty, smaller government, fewer or no taxes, or even the Constitution. Some are paid to spout illogical nonsense about bigger government, more social controls, more government controls to take from one segment and give to another. They do not understand that we have had chronie capitalism, not free market capitalism for a long time. Some seem to not understand the core issues at all. The media has focused on them, the minority, attempting to give the wrong impression about the 99% of the protesters to the public via the MSM.
These videos will show you who the majority are. Some are knowledgeable, others have part of it right, but needed more good information, and a few didn't understand how the economy works and so were in denial that Peter Schiff is correct.
There seemed to be many Ron Paul supporters there, trying to educate anyone willing to listen about the FED, and how it has facilitated the addiction to greed and power of Wall Street, the banksters, and the bought off government, and their endless wars to justify the ever larger government, with it's ever increasing encroachments on our liberties, more with every day, in efforts to slowly subdue our ability to recognize their utter vileness. They are trying to correct the misinformation. They are also explaining that it isn't the 99% against the 1%. It is one root entity that is holding us hostage through unpayable mounting debt, and endless wars.
Good luck to them. Spread the message. Only one man can cure what ails this nation. Ron Paul 2012
Part 1
Peter Schiff Live at Occupy Wall St #2
What the hell is going on here? This isn't what any thinking reasonable person would want. This isn't what we voted for. This isn't what we agreed to at all. But it is a direct attack on our Constitutional protections, and an attack on our national security through destruction of our monetary system.
I've had enough. We've all had enough.
But the OWS includes small groups of people whose ideals are not of liberty, smaller government, fewer or no taxes, or even the Constitution. Some are paid to spout illogical nonsense about bigger government, more social controls, more government controls to take from one segment and give to another. They do not understand that we have had chronie capitalism, not free market capitalism for a long time. Some seem to not understand the core issues at all. The media has focused on them, the minority, attempting to give the wrong impression about the 99% of the protesters to the public via the MSM.
These videos will show you who the majority are. Some are knowledgeable, others have part of it right, but needed more good information, and a few didn't understand how the economy works and so were in denial that Peter Schiff is correct.
There seemed to be many Ron Paul supporters there, trying to educate anyone willing to listen about the FED, and how it has facilitated the addiction to greed and power of Wall Street, the banksters, and the bought off government, and their endless wars to justify the ever larger government, with it's ever increasing encroachments on our liberties, more with every day, in efforts to slowly subdue our ability to recognize their utter vileness. They are trying to correct the misinformation. They are also explaining that it isn't the 99% against the 1%. It is one root entity that is holding us hostage through unpayable mounting debt, and endless wars.
Good luck to them. Spread the message. Only one man can cure what ails this nation. Ron Paul 2012
Part 1
Peter Schiff Live at Occupy Wall St #2
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

If you are in NYC, there is a Black This Out Rally at 30 Rockefeller Center. NOW ! Be there, in the face of the media.

Ron Paul GOP CNN Nevada Debate Responses
Kick Ass job tonight.
The BLACK THIS OUT Money BOMB has begun. DONATE @
The BLACK THIS OUT Money BOMB has begun. DONATE @
Ron Paul Ad - Plan
New RON PAUL 2012 AD. The Restore America Plan. Must See!
Don't forget. The Black This Out Money Bomb began at Midnight. I've donated. How about you? If not, here you go, Let this be a fundraiser the media can't ignore.
Don't forget. The Black This Out Money Bomb began at Midnight. I've donated. How about you? If not, here you go, Let this be a fundraiser the media can't ignore.
Paul v Romney – Donations Show Stark Difference
Paul v Romney – Donations Show Stark Difference * The Banks & Goldman Sachs Own Romney - No surprise there. LOL *Paul v Romney – Donations Show Stark Difference
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Ron Paul 2012 Super Brochure
WOW ! These are beautiful brochures. If you can afford to do this, please do.
RON PAUL 2012 Spread the Message!
You can also buy 1 bumper sticker, and get 5 free with the code typed into the suggestion box at checkout - DAILY PAUL. We did this, and received them in a couple of days.
When friends saw them, they asked if they could have the extras. 5 more cars with Ron Paul For President 2012 bumper stickers on the road. YEA!
Also, Remember, Wednesday, October 19th, BLACK THIS OUT MONEY BOMB DAY !Please Donate. Let's make this the biggest one day fundraiser in political history., or click the banner under the page header to pledge in advance.
If you have already maxed out your donations, or want to donate more than $2500, you can do that at REVOLUTION PAC, , or click the Revolution Pac Ad on the right of the page.
RON PAUL 2012 Spread the Message!
You can also buy 1 bumper sticker, and get 5 free with the code typed into the suggestion box at checkout - DAILY PAUL. We did this, and received them in a couple of days.
When friends saw them, they asked if they could have the extras. 5 more cars with Ron Paul For President 2012 bumper stickers on the road. YEA!
Also, Remember, Wednesday, October 19th, BLACK THIS OUT MONEY BOMB DAY !Please Donate. Let's make this the biggest one day fundraiser in political history., or click the banner under the page header to pledge in advance.
If you have already maxed out your donations, or want to donate more than $2500, you can do that at REVOLUTION PAC, , or click the Revolution Pac Ad on the right of the page.
Friday, October 14, 2011
For Liberty Re-cut - Ron Paul 2012 Handout DVD HD

Who Ron Paul Is. Informative, inspiring, and a must see.
For Liberty Re-cut - Ron Paul 2012 Handout DVD HD

The Judge Accuses FBI & Our Govt Of Being The Real Terrorist! & Creating...
I'd like to see Judge Nepolitano in Ron Paul's administration. Kick ass. The bad guys better run while they can.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
This Week's NY Post * Blowback for Romney

This video is an oldie, but a goodie that still holds true in this election.
Buh bye Mitt.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Ron Paul 2012 sign Bomb Day A Worldwide Success

This article shows groups from around the world supporting the Ron Paul sign bomb day, Oct.10, which was very successful.
Ron Paul supporters launch nationwide Sign Bomb
Monday, October 10, 2011
Ron Paul @ The National Press Conference Oct.15, 2011

Ron Paul spoke at the National Press Conference Luncheon, October 15, 2011, very important venue. The press was impressed. You could have heard a pin drop in the room. He also fielded a few questions after, and got a few laughs from the press. They must have been thinking how refreshing a change Ron Paul would be in the White House, and at press conferences.
It's 1 hour long. The transcript can be found at the link.
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